Kellie Martin has a beautiful, 1 year old daughter Margaret Heather, and even though a year has passed she is still not ready to work yet:
“I find it impossible to balance a career and motherhood, I feel like when I’m not with her, my arm is gone.”
Maggie's middle name is a tribute to Kellie’s sister Heather, who died of lupus in 1998. OK! caught up with Martin at the Hollywood Bag Ladies Luncheon to Benefit Lupus Research.
“I’m not at the point where I’m ready to go back to work at all,” she says. “Right now, I’m enjoying this incredible ride.”
Good for Kellie, it sounds like she knows what she wants at this time in her life.
I think it's so great when a celeb chooses her family over her career. I'm sure it's very tempting to just follow the hefty paycheck and hire a nanny, so kuddos to her for getting her priorities right. Smart girl.
Posted by: Jen | November 09, 2007 at 02:12 PM